This page details the terms and conditions, copyrights, trademarks and permissions between Earrigation, our musicians and customers.
Music featured on is copyrighted by the artists and musicians through their own respective original works and authorship. Therefore music featured on Earrigation’s website is permitted through the bands.
Music sold on is through agreement with these bands, with copyrights installed for Earrigation. Earrigation’s copyrights are formed through producing, mixing, mastering, songwriting, etc.
Customers who purchase and/or download music through, are permitted to streaming and sharing rights, but may not sell, distribute or plagiarize the works.
If using this music in your projects please give appropriate credit to the artists, bands, or musicians involved. If you need help attributing credits feel free to reach out at Attributes may go in image descriptions, alt tags, details, citations and more.
Suitable credits may look like this: BT Cab – Greed – Dreams II – Earrigation Music – 2021.
If placing on your website you can add this code:
<a href=”……“>Credits here</a>